Discounts, Scholarships, and Free Access

Instructors and Evaluation Access

NDG offers instructors at degree granting and government accredited academic institutions evaluation access to all labs and courses at no charge. Additional information can be found in our guide for obtaining instructor access to the NDG Portal.

Instructors at academic institutions are encouraged to contact the NDG Portal support team with questions regarding learners with special considerations.

NDG only offers evaluation access to instructors. There are no evaluations or trial access available for students or independent learners.

Palo Alto Networks Labs

The Palo Alto Networks lab environments are offered with an academic discount to learners at academic institutions that are members of the Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Academy Program. To qualify for this discount, you will need to enroll in a class taught through the institution or the academic version of the labs, and complete one of the academic verification methods. The discounted price will be offered at time of purchase.

Bulk Purchases

NDG is unable to offer any discounts for bulk purchases. Lab and course access is priced to be affordable as possible, and our pricing models for access codes account for most orders being for large quantities.

Student Discounts

NDG does not offer "scholarships" or otherwise free access to materials directly to learners. If access is purchased on your behalf by your academic institution or other third-party, you would need to contact your instructor or academic institution for assistance.


Learners and students should NOT contact the NDG Portal support team requesting free or discounted access under any circumstances.

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