Letter of Completion/Badges

Letter of Completion

Once a NDG Linux course is completed, each learner is eligible to receive a congratulatory letter from NDG. This letter will document that the individual has completed the relevant NDG Linux course.

There are no Letters of Merit or relevant Cisco Certifications for the NDG Linux courses.


Badges can also be earned for all NDG Linux courses via the Cisco Networking Academy.

Grading as Complete

Learners in Cisco Networking Academy classes are graded as complete under one of two conditions:

  1. If taking a NDG Linux course in the ILT (instructor-led training) configuration, learners are graded as complete by the instructor of the class. This process is not automatic and is controlled exclusively by the instructor of the class.
  2. If taking a NDG Linux course in the SP (self-paced) configuration, learners are graded as complete after completing the "Final Comprehensive Exam" and the "Course Feedback" sections. This process is automatic.

Note that NDG does not have access or control over either process, and we cannot provide any assistance to be graded as complete in a class. Any questions regarding being graded as complete would need to be directed to the instructor of your class or the Cisco Networking Academy for assistance.

Additional information can also be found in the Cisco Networking Academy support documentation under the "Support" button in the upper right of your "My Learning" page.

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