Create a class
Click the "+ Create" button on your Cisco Networking Academy instructor tab.
Select the type of class
NDG Linux courses are typically offered in two versions, instructor-led and self-paced. Course content is
identical between the two, but self-paced classes are designed to run without any input from instructors.
Self-paced classes have all exams automatically enabled by default, all prerequisites removed, and students are automatically graded as complete upon finishing the final exam and course feedback.
Instructor-led classes require active involvement from an instructor in order to function correctly. This includes activating exams and manually grading students as complete.
Select the NDG Linux course materials you wish to use
NDG currently offers the NDG Linux Unhatched, NDG Linux Essentials, NDG Linux I, and NDG Linux II course materials.
Select your class start and end dates
Make any desired changes to the class title and description
Instructors are encouraged to create a unique title to their course specific to their class. This aids the support team in cases where learners are unsure they have enrolled in the correct class.
Add additional instructors, if desired
Publish your class
Open the newly created class from "My Classes"
Open the "Help & Resources" module
Instructors and learners are both encouraged to open the "Help & Resources" module before interacting with any course materials.
Complete enrollment via the NDG Portal
This step is necessary for instructors to complete the process of creating the class. You cannot make any changes to exams or other aspects of the materials until this step is completed.
If registering with the NDG Portal for the first time, it is strongly recommended that you use an email address provided by your academic institution (typically ending in .edu). Ideally, this is also the email address used as your instructor address in the Cisco Networking Academy. While free email services such as Outlook or Gmail can be used for access, these types of email addresses will limit your ability to sign up for NDG instructor resources in the future and the information that the NDG Online support team can share via email.
Additional information regarding the enrollment process in the NDG Portal can be found here:
Register for an NDG Portal Account:
Email Verification:
Note that instructors enrolling via the Cisco Networking Academy automatically have access to all NDG Linux course materials, even paid materials, at no charge. This process is automatic and you would access the materials by creating a class as an instructor.